5 Ways To Increase Weight Loss Success

Jan 18, 2018 | 0 comments

Weight Loss and other health related goals are one of the most common reasons a client comes to Hypnosis. Whether one looks to stay motivated about working out or wants to change their diet, Hypnosis can help.

Losing weight is one of the most complex and nuanced issues to deal with. It’s not only about what you eat, it’s about how much you eat, how much you move your body, even how well you sleep. Beyond the external, physical things we do to let go of weight, clients often have deep seated beliefs they hold about themselves that get in the way of creating the healthy lifestyle they desire.

When working with weight loss clients I use a holistic approach. Every client is different and your journey won’t be the same as the next, however I’ve found the following five approaches work best.

1. Focus On Attitude

Having a positive attitude can make all the difference as you make big changes in your life. But how do you do that? Remember, this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. You aren’t sacrificing anything but gaining a great deal. As you shift your thinking it helps to keep your focus on moving towards your definition of health. For example, drinking soda moves you away while drinking water moves you towards health.

2. Focus On Health

You can lose weight and still be unhealthy. Although everyone’s definition of a healthy lifestyle is different there are some basic ways to move towards health. By updating the food you eat, increasing exercise and movement, reducing stress in your life, and getting enough sleep, your you improve your health and naturally lose excess weight.

3. Focus On Activity

Clients serious about creating a more healthy lifestyle go beyond the token weekly workout. They know that a healthy lifestyle is an active lifestyle and find creative ways to keep moving. They may park on the far side of the parking lot to walk more, they may take the stairs rather than the elevator. There are many ways to bring activity in your life including membership at a gym, working with a personal trainer, practicing yoga, working out with a friend (running, walking, racquetball, etc). Again, there is no one right way. It’s about what is right for you.

4. Focus On Real Food

Changing the way you eat isn’t about calories or the latest fad diet, it’s about the quality of your food. Use whole foods, as close to their natural state as possible. Eat when you’re hungry and until you are satisfied (not full). And start with baby steps. If you eat most of your meals at restaurants begin to stay in and cook for yourself one day a week. Increase that until you’re eating 50 percent whole foods, then 60, 70, and 80. Keep changing your habits until 90 percent of your intake is whole foods

5. Focus On Your Motivation

Get real with yourself. Why exactly do you want to get healthier? Make a list of everything you’ll gain by increasing your health and focus on that. Understand and let go of the inner beliefs and limitations that hold you back from the life you want. Create the vision of the future that you are living into.

This last step is crucial for permanent success. Without letting go of the inner beliefs that holds one back the old habits and old ways of being are likely to return.

Hypnosis can help!

My most successful clients know why they want to get healthy and are motivated to succeed. Together we create a plan using Hypnosis to address all of the above aspects of health. Watching a client with an uncertain attitude suddenly change their perspective to one of confidence and perseverance is one of my greatest joys.

If you have any questions or comments about this article please call or email me.

(612) 504-9766